GIC ROTTERDAM 2024 INTERNATIONAL IN-STORE CONFERENCEIn June, we attended an international conference in Netherlands where were presented new ideas for in-store communication. Dekor s.r.o. as the only representative from the Czech Republic participated in this…
Um den hohen Ansprüchen des Marktes für POS-Lösungen auch in Zukunft gerecht zu werdenhat DEKOR in den vergangenen Monaten erhebliche finanzielle und organisatorische Anstrengungen zum Ausbau der Produktionskapzitäten unternommen. Das…
In June, we attended an international conference in Belgium where were presented new ideas for in-store communication. Dekor s.r.o. as the only representative from the Czech Republic participated in this event together with 20 other companies from around the…
New in-store communications ideas from around the world were presented at an international conference which was held in Colombia this June. The conference was attended by companies from all over the world; this year companies from the USA, Brazil, Portugal,…
mit Erfahrung in POS-Produkten. Kundenaqusition und -beratung, Vertretung für Deutschland, sehr gute Englisch-Kenntnisse, Halbtags-/Vollzeitstelle, Home-Office. Bei Interesse freuen wir uns über die Zusendung Ihrer aussagefähigen…
Seit mehr als 10 Jahren arbeitet DEKOR für verschiedene Marken des Konzerns Newell Brands. Durch die Aquisition der Marken Coleman, Campingas, K2, Yankee Candle und der Gruppe Jarden Corporation im Jahr 2016 entwickelte sich Newell Brands zu einem der…
As every year Dekor represenatives took part at GIC association conference which this year was held in London in May. GIC unites 20 companies specialized in marketing communication at point of sale from all over the world. During 3 days almost 250…